Cost of Drilling a Borehole in Kitui Kenya

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"Is there a borehole drilling company that drills in Kitui?"  And what is the cost of drilling a borehole in Kitui? Those are the question most Kitui residents ask. And YES, Quantum Geoconsultants Limited is your most trusted borehole drilling company. We heard your cries and answered. We are the top-rated drilling company in Kenya, with unmatched expertise in borehole drilling. Our team of experienced professionals has conducted projects nationwide, thus gaining enough experience to handle even the most complex projects. Now that we have an established fantastic team for this project, the next question is, "What is the cost of drilling a borehole in Kitui?"  Keep reading and get answers to the steps of drilling a borehole, the requirements, and the cost!

Requirements for drilling a borehole in Kitui.

Before drilling a borehole, there are various requirements needed. It's essential to adhere to these requirements for a smooth and compliant drilling project.

Hydrogeological survey

A hydrogeological survey is the first step when drilling a borehole. In this stage, we send our geologists to study the geological conditions and locate the most suitable location to drill the borehole. They use an ultra-modern 3D tetrameter that finds the highest-yielding site in real-time.  The cost of a hydrogeological survey ranges between KES 60,000 to KES 70,000.

Permits and licenses

After conducting the survey, we write a detailed report-  we use this report to apply for permits and licenses.  What permits do you need before drilling a borehole? It would be best to have a Water Resources Authority (WRA) permit, the National Environment Management Authority(NEMA) license, and county government permits. Note: We have not included the cost of these permits in the hydrogeological survey charges. If you want to know the bills, you can ask for a detailed quotation, and we will provide one. Once we have the permits, the Drilling and construction of the borehole can begin

Borehole Drilling And Construction.

The following is a step-by-step process of borehole drilling and construction.

Drilling operations.

The cost of drilling a borehole in Kitui varies between KES 6,700 and KES 9,300 per meter. The fee includes mobilization, Drilling, casing, and well development. We understand the value of minimizing cost; therefore, our technicians select the site with the most potential. 

Test pumping

Test pumping is the next step, continuously pumping water for 24 hours. By doing this, we determine the yield of the borehole and its recharge rates. Additionally, test pumping helps determine the kind of pump you will need. The higher the recharge, the stronger the pump. If a client wants to solar power their borehole, test pumping helps us identify the number of solar panels and equipment needed to match the amount of water.

Casing installation

Once we finish the test pumping, our technicians place a casing or screen(made of PVC or Steel)  inside the borehole to keep it clean while also serving as a conduit for water pumping. We install the casing from the bottom of the borehole to the surface.  The casing procedure is vital as it maintains the well's accessibility while protecting the environment

Pump installation

As mentioned above, the test pumping helps determine the kind of pump to use on the borehole. During pump installation, we connect the pump to the discharge pump and submerge it in the borehole. After that, we install a check valve to prevent backflow.  We connect the pump to the desired power supply, whether solar or electricity. After the pump installation, we test it to ensure it works well and delivers the required water flow rate.

Water quality assessment

We collect water samples during test pumping and send them to the lab for testing. The tests allow us to determine whether the water can be used domestically or for industrial purposes. It's vital to know that the cost of test pumping and water quality assessment are combined. We have all these detailed in the quotation. 

Quantum Geoconsultants Limited is your ticket to deliver these services

We ensure a safe and effective borehole drilling process. We do this by meticulous planning, Drilling, testing, and installation. Quantum Geoconsultants Limited delivers this through its most experienced and knowledgeable personnel.

Unlock your land's potential with our quality borehole drilling service

Now that you know the cost of drilling a borehole in Kitui, Kenya, and all the requirements, we invite you to talk to us. We can transform your land from a simple piece to a fantastic area with potential. Contact us today, and let us drill that borehole for you!
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