Best Borehole Drilling Company in Kenya

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Welcome to Quantum Geoconsultants Limited, the best borehole drilling company in Kenya. With a track record of excellence and a commitment to delivering high-quality services to our clients, Quantum Geoconsultants Limited is the go-to company for all your borehole drilling needs.  Our team of skilled professionals is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and technology to ensure that we complete every project we undertake on time, within budget, and to the highest quality standards.  Whether you need a borehole for domestic, industrial, or agricultural purposes, we have the expertise and experience to deliver exceptional results. Contact us today, and let us help you unlock the potential of your land with our borehole drilling services. 

Why is Quantum the Best Borehole Drilling Company in Kenya?

We understand that you have many options for borehole drilling companies in Kenya. But why choose Quantum Geoconsultants Limited? We go above and beyond to stand out from the competition.  Here are reasons to choose us as your borehole drillers:

Experience and expertise

 Having gunned years of experience in the field, Our team of professionals has the knowledge and expertise necessary to handle any borehole drilling project, no matter its complexity!

Ultra-modern equipment

To ensure that our clients receive the highest quality services, we have invested in a state of the art equipment and employ the latest technology.

Timely and cost-effective services

We work quickly to finish projects on schedule and under budget because we recognize how important timing is.

Quality Assurance

We have a stringent quality control procedure to guarantee that our work satisfies or exceeds industry standards.

Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is of the utmost importance to Quantum Geoconsultants Limited. We work closely with our clients to ensure we meet their demands and they are entirely satisfied with our services. Choose Quantum Geoconsultants Limited for your borehole drilling needs, and experience the difference our commitment to excellence can make.

What Categories of Drilling Does Quantum Geoconsultants Offer?

Quantum Geoconsultants Limited offers a range of drilling services to cater to the needs of various industries and clients. The main categories of drilling services that we offer include the following:

Percussion drilling

A heavy cutting or drilling tool called a bit is attached to the end of a drill string in percussion drilling. The operator repeatedly lifts and drops the bit onto the formation to be drilled while rotating it to chip away at the rock or other rigid material. This technique is also known as hammer drilling. The drill string usually comprises several connected pipe sections in percussion drilling, which we add or remove as drilling progresses. Depending on the hardness and type of drilled material, the operator can change the bit at the end of the drill string. We use percussion drilling in complex rock formations where other drilling techniques, such as rotary drilling, may be less effective. Overall, percussion drilling can be an efficient and effective drilling method for specific applications. However, it can be slower and more expensive than other drilling techniques for some projects.

Exploration drilling

Exploration drilling explores and evaluates a particular area's geological structure and hydrogeological conditions. We do this type of drilling to determine underground water resources' location, quantity, and quality in a specific region. Drilling rigs, downhole cameras, and other gear are used during exploration drilling to collect information on the rock formations, water amount and quality, and other factors. The data is then analyzed to assess whether it would be feasible to drill a borehole there and to create a suitable drilling strategy. Overall, exploration drilling is a crucial component of borehole drilling since it aids in selecting the ideal site for a borehole and gives important information that ensures the project's success.

How much does borehole drilling cost in Kenya?

The cost of borehole drilling can vary significantly from one county to another due to several factors. Some of the main factors that can influence the cost of borehole drilling include the following:


 The geology of an area can have a significant impact on the cost of drilling a borehole. For example, drilling through hard rock can be more expensive and time-consuming than drilling through softer soils.

Water table depth

The depth of the water table can also affect the cost of drilling a borehole. If the water table is shallow, the price of drilling may be lower than if the water table is deeper.


The accessibility of the drilling site can also affect the cost of drilling. If the site is difficult to access, it may require specialized equipment and additional labor, increasing the cost.

Equipment and labor costs: 

The cost of equipment and labor can vary from one county to another depending on local market conditions, labor rates, and other factors.

Permitting and regulatory requirements: 

Different counties may have additional permitting and regulatory requirements for borehole drilling, which can affect the project's cost. A wide range of factors can influence the cost of borehole drilling, and local conditions may cause prices to vary significantly from one county to another. Ultimately, these factors determine the total cost of the drilling.

Cost of Borehole Drilling Per County

Here is an overview of borehole drilling costs in different counties in Kenya. We have also included the type of geology in the areas.

Nairobi County

Neogene-age volcanic rocks, including basalts, phonolites, and sedimentary rocks, characterize Nairobi County. The area is also underlain by older rocks, including Precambrian-age schists and gneisses. The cost for borehole drilling in Nairobi county is between KES 6,500 and KES 9,300 per meter.

Mombasa County

The geology of Mombasa County consists of recent marine sediments, coral reef rocks, and Pleistocene-age volcanic rocks. The borehole drilling prices range between KES 6,900 and KES 9,600 per meter.

Nakuru County

The geology of Nakuru County includes Neogene-age volcanic rocks, such as basalts and phonolites, as well as sedimentary rocks—the prices per meter range between KES 6,500 and KES 9,400.

Kajiado County

Kajiado County is underlain by volcanic rocks, including basalts, trachytes, phonolites, and sedimentary rocks. The prices here range between KES 6,500 and KES 9,400.

Machakos County

The geology of Machakos County includes sedimentary rocks, such as sandstones, mudstones, limestones, and volcanic rocks—the prices of drilling per meter range between KES 6,600 and KES 9,400.

Kitui County

Kitui County is underlain by sedimentary rocks, including sandstones, mudstones, and shales, with prices per meter being between KES 6,700 and KES 9,300.

Makueni County

Sedimentary rocks, including sandstones, mudstones, limestones, and Quaternary-age volcanic rocks, characterize Makueni County. And the prices here are between KES 6,400 and KES 9,600

Kiambu County

The geology of Kiambu County includes Neogene-age volcanic rocks, including basalts and phonolites, as well as sedimentary rocks. And the prices are between KES 6,200 and KES 9,800.

Kisumu County

Sedimentary rocks, such as sandstones, mudstones, limestones, and volcanic rocks, underlie Kisumu County. The drilling prices in this county range from KES 6,500 to KES 9,400

Turkana County

Sedimentary rocks, including sandstones, mudstones, limestones, and volcanic rocks, characterize Turkana County. In this county, the prices are between  KES  8,000 and KES 9,500.

Bungoma County

The basement rocks in Bungoma County consist of gneisses, migmatites, and granites, which have been intruded on by younger rocks, including basalts and phonolites. These volcanic rocks are part of the East African Rift System, which has been active in the region for 10-20 million years. Prices in this area range between KES 6,300 and KES 9,700.

Busia County

Sedimentary rocks, such as sandstones, mudstones, and limestones, characterize Busia County. The drilling prices per meter here are between KES 7,600 and KES 9,400.

Narok County

Volcanic rocks, including basalts, trachytes, phonolites, and sedimentary rocks, characterize Narok County. Prices are between KES 6,600 and KES 9,400.

Kilifi County

 Kilifi County has marine and continental sediments, including sandstones, mudstones, limestones, and Quaternary-age volcanic rocks. Prices range from KES 7,800 TO KES 9,200 Per meter.

Kwale county

Kwale County is underlain by Neogene-age sedimentary rocks, including sandstones, shales, limestones, and Quaternary-age volcanic stones. The Prices are between KES 7,400 and KES 9,300

Baringo County

Sedimentary rocks, such as sandstones, mudstones, limestones, and volcanic rocks, characterize Baringo County. The Prices in this area vary between KES 6,800 and KES 9,600.

Siaya County

Sedimentary rocks, such as sandstones, underlie Siaya County and mudstone. The cost of drilling per meter is between KES 6,700 and KES 9,200.

Homa bay County

Sedimentary rocks, such as sandstones, mudstones, limestones, and volcanic rocks, characterize Homa Bay County—prices for drilling per meter range between KES 6,400 and KES 9,600.

Uain Ngishu County

Neogene-age volcanic rocks, including basalts and phonolites, characterize Uasin Gishu County. The drilling cost per meter is between KES 6,700 and KES 9,200. NOTE: Loose soils are generally more costly than rocky soils. All our drilling covers actual drilling, casing, test pumping, and water analysis.

Requirements for Drilling a Borehole in Kenya

Several documents are required to drill a borehole in Kenya. The documents include the following:

Hydrogeological Survey

A hydrogeological survey is the first step in digging a borehole. This assessment looks at the potential for groundwater in the region to eventually construct a borehole to tap into the resources and provide the client with enough water for home and survival needs. A licensed and qualified geologist is required to conduct this survey.

National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) License

A NEMA license is required to confirm that the borehole drilling process will not have any negative environmental impact. One obtains a permit from the National Environment Management Authority.

Water Resource Authority (WRA) Permit:

We require a WRA permit to abstract water from the borehole. The permit specifies the maximum amount of water that can be abstracted and the fees payable for the water abstracted. Once we have met all these requirements, then borehole drilling can commence.

Borehole Drilling Procedure in Kenya

Quanatam Geoconsultnts Limited follows the following drilling procedure:

Hydrogeological Survey

A hydrogeological survey of the potential drilling site is the first step in borehole drilling. To assess if a location is suitable for borehole drilling, geological features, the water table, and the local hydrology must all be examined. The survey also aids in figuring out the borehole's anticipated yield, which is crucial for planning the borehole and choosing the right drilling equipment.  Hydrogeological survey aids in obtaining necessary government certifications like NEMA and WARMA certificates.

Site preparation and mobilization

Site mobilization is the preliminary work and procedures required to transport workers, supplies, equipment, and incidentals to the project site. Subject to the Engineer's approval, mobilization entails moving to the job sites all tools, machinery, supplies, and other items required for the execution and completion of the work. It also includes setting up all tools, instruments, and other plants until ready.


Before the actual drilling process can begin, we install a  lining or casing that helps prevent the borehole from collapsing during drilling. Once we put up the drilling rig, the drilling process starts. The drill bit is spun and pushed into the rock or dirt. A drilling fluid or compressed air removes the drilling debris from the borehole. The project's needs, the rock or soil formation on the site, and the depth that the borehole must be will all affect the depth of the hole.

Test Pumping

Once the drilling is complete, we test the borehole to determine its yield or capacity in m3 per hour. We do this by continually pumping water out of the borehole for 24 hours. Test pumping also helps in selecting the right pump for the project. Water is collected and sent to the laboratory for quality analysis.

Casing installation

After testing, a casing or screen is placed inside the borehole to keep it clean and serve as a conduit for water pumping. The casing is installed from the bottom of the borehole to the surface and is commonly composed of PVC or steel. Like attempts to safeguard groundwater, the casing procedure maintains the well's accessibility while protecting the environment.

Pump installation

The final step is to install the pump in the borehole. We first connect the pump to the discharge pipe and then lower it into the borehole. We then install a  check valve to prevent the backflow of water, and a power supply is connected to operate the pump. After the pump installation, we test it to ensure it works correctly and delivers the required water flow rate. Ensuring a safe and effective borehole drilling process requires meticulous planning, drilling, testing, and installation, which demands our team's most experienced and knowledgeable personnel. And that is what Quantum Geoconsultant Limited offers our clients!

Quality Borehole Drilling Services the Best Borehole Drilling  Company in Kenya 

Quantum Geoconsultants Limited is a leading borehole company in Kenya that offers high-quality borehole drilling services to meet your needs. Our expertise in hydrogeology and modern drilling technology ensures that every borehole we drill meets the required standards and yields water of the desired quality. At Quantum Geoconsultants Limited, customer satisfaction is our top priority.  Choose Quantum Geoconsultants Limited for all your borehole drilling needs in Kenya, and you can be sure of high-quality, reliable, and cost-effective services. Contact us today to get started on your borehole drilling project.
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